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Meeting of the:
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PDF (419.2 KB)
  1. Minutes from March 4, 2019 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Request for Non-Standard Calendars from College of Health Sciences
    1. AT 640 and 643, and AT 641 and 644 (PDF)
    2. CSD 659 (PDF)
    3. MLS 481, 482, and 483 (PDF)
    4. PAS 660, 669, 661, 671, 665, 662, 670, 664, 663, and 665 (PDF)
    5. PT 838 (PDF)
  3. Proposed Change to 2018-19 College of Dentistry Calendar (PDF)
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Aaron Cramer, Chair
      1. Proposed New MS in Science Translation and Outreach (PDF)
      2. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Fundraising and Development (PDF)
      3. Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Aerospace Engineering (PDF)
      4. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Positive Youth Development (PDF)
      5. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Family and Consumer Sciences (PDF)
  5. Discussion on Review Committee for the Institute for Free Enterprise (PDF)
  6. Nominees for Area and Advisory Committees
  7. Retreat Planning
  8. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)