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Senate Council Officers

University Senate Council Chair

DeShana Collett

Chair, Senate Council

Image of Vice Chair Sandra Bastin

Sandra Bastin

Vice Chair, Senate Council

Office Personnel

Kristen Pickett (859) 257-5872

Ms. Pickett's responsibilities include programs, certificates, items for Senate committees, degree lists, SC & Senate agendas, and Curriculog management.

Ann Eads (859) 257-5871

Ms. Eads' responsibilities include courses, Undergraduate Council, UK Core, GCCR, and Curriculog management.

Jeviell Nealy (859) 218-4077

Ms. Nealy's responsibilities include, second reinstatement & retroactive withdrawal requests, HCCC, social media & website management, newsletter, Chair's calendar, SC/Senate minutes, and Curriculog management.

Mailing address: 203E Main Building, -0032


Faculty Trustees

Hollie Swanson, '23 (College of Medicine)

Hubie Ballard, '25 (College of Medicine)