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The University Senate's Academic Councils and Senate Committees are listed below. Some of the committees are chaired by and composed entirely of senators, while other committees are under the Senate’s auspices but can have a chair and membership composed of non-senators.

Handbook for Academic Councils and Committees

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Academic Councils

Undergraduate Council

The Undergraduate Council functions to review proposals for new and revised undergraduate courses and degree programs. Read more about the functions of Undergraduate Council from Section 1.3.4 of University Senate Rules. Download the most recent Undergraduate Council Committee Handbook here.

More About this Council

Graduate Council

Health Care Colleges Council

The Health Care Colleges Council is responsible to the University Senate concerning academic matters related to the six health-care-related colleges: Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health. 

More About this Council


Academic Advising Committee

The Senate Academic Advising Committee (SacAC) is responsible for regularly reviewing the effectiveness and accountability of academic advising throughout the University, setting standards for the quality of academic advising, making recommendations to the Senate Council regarding academic advising, and advising the Senate Council about all recommendations or proposals to the Senate regarding academic advising.

Committee Details

Academic Facilities Committee

The Senate Academic Facilities Committee (SAFC) is charged with the responsibility of providing information and recommendations to the Senate about the alteration, construction, and allocation of all property and physical facilities that may affect the educational objectives of the University.

Committee Details

Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC)

The Senate Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) is charged to review and recommend to the University Senate priorities on all proposals regarding educational units, make appropriate recommendation to the University Senate regarding educational units, and study and report to the University Senate on matters pertaining to faculty size and strength, and student enrollment.

Committee Details

Academic Planning and Priorities Committee

The Senate Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (SAPPC) is charged with concern over major, broad, long-range plans and priorities. The SAPPC is responsible for recommending to the University Senate plausible academic goals for the institution, identifying major academic problems likely to be faced by the University, and developing procedures and criteria for recommending academic priorities.  

Committee Details

Academic Programs Committee (SAPC)

The Senate Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) is charged with recommending action to the Senate on all new academic programs and significant program changes approved by prescribed lower levels of review. This committee functions mainly through three permanent subcommittees: Graduate Degree Programs, First Degree Programs (including undergraduate degree programs), and Professional and Pre-Professional Degree Programs.

Committee Details

Admissions Advisory Committee

The Senate Admissions Advisory Committee (SAAC) is responsible for recommending admissions policy and within general guidelines established by the University Senate. The SAAC establishes the University’s admissions management system, automatic admission criteria, and establishes parameters for the decisions on admissions exceptions.

Committee Details

Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC)

The Senate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) is charged to examine and recommend to the University Senate changes in the following areas: admission requirements and grading rules, standards for granting academic credit, probation and suspension procedures, and degree and graduation requirements.

Committee Details

Advisory Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The Senate's Advisory Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (SACAPT) is made up of the chairs of the academic area advisory committees. This committee provides advice to the Senate/Senate Council on matters of policy relating to faculty appointment, promotion and tenure.

Committee Details

Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure (SACPT)

Except for cases of dismissal for cause (subsection 2a, below), the SACPT is to consider whether

(a) violation of procedures (as established by University-level regulations/policies, or by the college, or by the department faculty; GR VII.A.6.c; GR VII.B.3; GR VII.B.5),

(b) violation of privilege and/or

(c) violation of academic freedom,

have affected the outcome of decisions made in the processes of faculty reappointment, terminal reappointment, non-renewal of appointment, promotion and/or tenure. Cases of complaint on the substantive merit of administrative decisions in these faculty personnel processes are instead to be submitted through established administrative channels as prescribed by GR I.I.

Committee Details

Calendar Committee

The Senate Calendar Committee (SCC) is responsible for topics related to the Academic Calendar. Specifically, the SCC shall review and offer recommendations for action on: the Academic Calendars submitted by the Registrar; program- and course- specific requests for calendars that deviate from the Academic Calendar; issues related to closures, academic holidays, and waivers for academic holidays; and any other similar topic assigned to it.

Committee Details

Disability Accommodation and Compliance

The Senate Advisory Committee on Disability Accommodation & Compliance (SACDAC) recommends educational policies and implementation practices/standards relating to disability accommodation and regulatory compliance.

Committee Details

Distance Learning and e-Learning (SCDLeL)

The Senate Committee on Distance Learning and eLearning (SCDLeL) is responsible for identifying and monitoring issues related to distance learning (DL) and e-learning (e-L); responding to Senate concerning external regulations regarding DL and e-L; recommending strategies regarding DL and e-L; and collaborating on issues relating to DL & e-L.

Committee Details

Diversity and Inclusion

The Senate Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (SCDI) is charged to increase diversity among senators, in particular representation of URM; work with senior leadership to disseminate best practices for recruiting & retaining faculty of color and other underrepresented groups; and addressing other related issues.

Committee Details

Institutional Finances and Resource Allocation

The Institutional Finances and Resources Allocation Committee (IFRAC) informs on present status of prospective changes in finances and other resources available to UK. Members should have financial/budgetary experience relevant to higher education. This is a joint committee between the University Senate and Staff Senate.

Committee Details

Faculty Affairs Committee

The Senate Faculty Affairs Committee (SFAC) is responsible for topics and policies related to faculty employment and promotion of the vitality of the University’s faculty. Specifically, the SFAC shall review and recommend action on issues related to: performance reviews and standards for evaluation; promotion and tenure; employee benefits; work-life matters; recruitment and retention; issues raised by the Senate Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure; and any other similar topic assigned to it.

Committee Details

Library Committee

The Senate Library Committee (SLC) is charged with the responsibility for recommending to the University Senate policies to promote the educational interests of the University with respect to the Libraries, the faculty body of which is equivalent to the faculty of a college.

Committee Details

Nominating Committee

The Senate Nominating Committee (SNC) is responsible for topics related to nominations for committee membership. Specifically, the SNC shall review and offer recommendations on: requests for faculty representatives, considering all aspects of a nominee (race, gender, ethnicity, unit affiliation, discipline, tenure status, rank, administrative position, previous service to the Senate, etc.) and the purpose of the committee for which the nominee was requested; policies to promote diverse memberships; and any other similar topic assigned to it.

Committee Details

Research and Graduate Education Committee

The Senate Research and Graduate Education Committee (SRGEC) is responsible for reviewing University research policies and graduation education policies and their implementation. The SRGEC is responsible for making recommendations to the University Senate regarding those policies and the priorities for them.

Committee Details

Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals Committee

The Senate Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals Committee (SRWAC) decides all student requests for retroactive withdrawals as provided by Senate Rules

Committee Details

Rules and Elections Committee (SREC)

The Senate Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) is responsible for codifying and interpreting the Rules of the University Senate and can initiate changes. The SREC is also responsible for certifying faculty member eligibility in the elections of Faculty Trustees, and in elections of University Faculty representatives to the Senate, to the Senate Council, and to a Presidential Search Committee.

Committee Details

Second Reinstatement Committee

The Second Reinstatement Committee (SRIC) is a permanent subcommittee of the Senate Council. It makes final decisions on cases of students who have been academically suspended from the University a second time, whose readmission is dependent on the recommendation of the dean of the college in which the student plans to enroll and who have petitioned the Senate Council for readmission as per SR

Committee Details

Senate Hearing Panel (Privilege and Tenure)

Technology Committee

The Senate Technology Committee (STC) is responsible broadly for educationally related IT issues, including review of IT-related proposals and recommendations on technology issues affecting educational objectives.

Committee Details

UK Core Education Committee

The Senate UK Cote Education Committee (SUKCEC) is responsible for maintaining long term oversight of the UK Core program, recommending which courses may receive UK Core designation, and recommending procedures and guidelines for designing and submitting course proposals for implementing the program.(SR

Committee Details

Special (ad hoc) Committees of the Senate

Attendance Policies

Nominate individuals to serve on this ad hoc committee, via this link. 

Generative AI Committee

The SC has created an ad hoc committee on artificial intelligence (AI), which shall be broadly concerned with the application of artificial intelligence in UK’s academic arena, both inside and outside the classroom. Using available best practices and benchmarking activities, the committee shall offer recommendations to Sthe enate about: a durable University definition for AI that can be codified in the SRs; permissible and impermissible uses of AI in an academic setting (acknowledging that different fields may perceive or utilize AI differently); suggested syllabus language related to limitations imposed by the instructor of record; and any other aspect of AI that touches upon the educational mission of the University.

Committee Details

Teaching Course Evaluations Committee

The Senate Council has appointed this subcommittee to undertake a two-part activity related to UK’s teacher-course evaluations. 

 First, the committee is charged with reviewing aspects such as (but not limited to) the following:

  • past relevant faculty reports on teacher-course evaluations
  • the current TCE survey instrument
  • potential new software for TCE survey distribution
  • appropriate uses of TCE results
  • national standards

The second part of the activity is for the committee to provide recommendations, based on national best practices, to improve UK’s teacher-course evaluation process broadly, including suggestions to decrease bias.

Committee Details