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Guidance for Program Proposals

Types of Proposals

UK currently offers four types of programs: badges, minors, certificates, and degrees.

There are three types of curricular actions (new, change, suspend/close). However, there are three categories of change: minor change; change; and significant change. 

For information about the three types of changes (minor change, change, and significant change), click here.

Please note that there are also proposals related to educational units (name changes, creation, consolidation, transfer, significant reduction, etc.) All educational unit-related proposals are significant changes.


Proposal-Specific Guidance

Below is a list of each type of Senate proposal. Select the proposal type below that best describes the proposal you are working on to find out more about how to create and submit a proposal, the approval steps, and a proposer's checklist.

New Degree

New Certificate

New Minor

Change Certificate (not minor change or significant change)

Change Certificate (Significant Change)

Change Degree (not minor change or significant change)

Change Degree (Significant Change)

Change Minor (not minor change or significant change)

Change Minor (Significant Change)

Suspend Admissions and/or Close Program or Modality