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Announcements Ombud Report (Academic Year 2005 - 2006) (PDF) New Department: Department of Neurosurgery (PDF)


Minutes and Announcements Minutes from Special Meeting on January 29, 2007 Minutes from February 12, 2007 State of the Library Address - Libraries Dean Carol Diedrichs Senate's Library Committee Resolution (PDF) Proposed New Policy: Automatic Delay of Probationary Periods


Minutes and Announcements Memorial Resolution for Professor Emeritus Raymond Betts, Founding Director of the Gaines Center for the Humanities (Presented by Daniel Rowland, Director of the Gaines Center) Proposed Change to Senate Rules ("Two-Year Window") (PDF) UK May 2007 Degree Candidates UK May 2007 Degree Candidates Summary Page March 2007 List of KCTCS Candidates for Credentials


LOCATION CHANGE: meeting will be in the LEXMARK PUBLIC ROOM of the MAIN BUILDING. Items above have been posted for approval via the web transmittal sent to senators Tuesday, May 2. There will be a very brief opportunity for Q&A at the beginning of the meeting.


The Senate Council's annual retreat will be held from 12:00 - 4:00 pm in the Commonwealth House of the Gaines Center for the Humanities. 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Arrivals and Lunch with President Todd 12:45 - 1:45 pm: Provost Subbaswamy 1:45 - 1:50 pm: Break 1:50 - 2:00 pm: Reflections on Conversations 2:00 - 4:00 pm: (below, as time permits)


Minutes from July 24 Special Meeting and Announcements ( PDF) Senate Committee Structure* Definition of "Privilege" as it Relates to Appeals by Faculty Members and the Charge of the SACPT* KCTCS Candidates for Credentials List UK Degree List Senate Council Member Liaisons to Councils Graduate Council 2006-2007 Meeting Dates ( (PDF)


Minutes from August 21 and Announcements (PDF) Extension of Oral Communications Requirement Suspension (until Fall 2008) (PDF) Graduate Certificates for Expedited Review and Approval Graduate Certificate in Developmental Disabilities (PDF)


Announcements Request to Solicit Input on Domestic Partner Benefits - Dembo (PDF) Staff Senate (Approved) Resolution on DPB (PDF) GERA Final Report (PDF) Change to Senate Rules (PDF)


Minutes and Announcements Minutes from August 28 (PDF) Minutes from September 18 (PDF) Granting of Ex Officio Non-Voting Membership in Senate to Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Update on Writing Initiative - Janet Eldred


Minutes and Annoucements Minutes from August 28 (PDF) Minutes from September 18 (PDF) Minutes from September 25 (PDF) Granting of Ex Officio Non-Voting Membership in Senate to Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs KCTCS Candidates for Degrees