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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (102.5 KB)
  1. Minutes from July 24 Special Meeting and Announcements ( PDF)
  2. Senate Committee Structure*
  3. Definition of "Privilege" as it Relates to Appeals by Faculty Members and the Charge of the SACPT*
  4. KCTCS Candidates for Credentials List
  5. UK Degree List
  6. Senate Council Member Liaisons to Councils
    • Graduate Council 2006-2007 Meeting Dates ( (PDF)
    • Health Care Colleges Council 2006 - 2007 Meeting Dates (PDF)
    • Undergraduate Council 2006 - 2007 Meeting Dates (PDF)
  7. Request to Solicit Input on Domestic Partner Benefits (Dembo)
    • Domestic Partner Benefits Report with Appendices Included (PDF)
  8. Term of University Senate Committee Chairs
    • Snippet from Senate Rules 1.4.1 (PDF)
  9. Rule Waiver Request for Retroactive Withdrawal (PDF)
  10. Planning for Reaction to Strategic Plan
    • Strategic Plan 2006 - 2009 (Provisional) (PDF)

*Agenda item limited to discussion on how to proceed.