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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (161 KB)
PDF (279.55 KB)

Zoom Link: 

Location: 311 Gatton Business and Economics Building

  1. Announcements 
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. November 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
    2. Proposed New USP between BS Computer Science and MS Data Science (Curriculog)
    3. Proposed New USP between BS Biomedical Engineering and MS Biomedical Engineering (Curriculog)
    4. Proposed New USP between BS Biomedical Engineering and PhD Biomedical Engineering (Curriculog)
    5. Proposed New USP between BS Aerospace Engineering and MS Aerospace Engineering (Curriculog)
    6. Proposed New USP between BS Aerospace Engineering and PhD Aerospace Engineering (Curriculog)
    7. Proposed New USP between BS Mechanical Engineering and MS Aerospace Engineering (Curriculog)
    8. Proposed New USP between BS Mechanical Engineering and PhD Aerospace Engineering (Curriculog)
    9. Activity Reports from Academic Councils and Committees (PDF)
    10. Minutes from Reports from Academic Councils and Committees (PDF)
  3. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Parliamentarian
    4. Trustees
  4. Degree Recipients 
    1. December 2022 In Memoriam Degree List 
    2. December 2022 Degree List
    3. Honorary Degree Recipient(s)
    4. Late Addition to May 2022 Degree List (per Senate Rules (“Late Addition to Degree List”)) 
      1. College of Engineering Student WB-95
  5. Proposed Change to Senate Rules (“Composition of the University Appeals Board,” “The Student Membership”) (Cover Page) (PDF)  
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Senate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) - Leslie Vincent, Chair
      1. Proposed Change to BPH Public Health (Curriculog)
      2. Proposed Change to BA/BS Communication (Curriculog)
    2. Senate Committee on Distance and e-Learning (SCDLeL) - Sara Police, Chair
      1. Proposed Online Delivery of Graduate Certificate in School Social Work (Curriculog)
    3. Senate Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Sandra Bastin, Chair
      1. Proposed New Badge Credential (Cover Page) (PDF)
  7. ​Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 1.3 ("Councils of the Senate") and SR 1.4.1 ("Structure of University Senate Committees") and SR 3.1.3 ("Procedures for Processing Academic Programs and Changes") 
  1. Senate Meeting Modality
  2. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)