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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes from January 9, 2023 and Announcements
  2. Request for Waiver of SR (“Retroactive Withdrawal,” “Requirements”) for College of Communication and Information Studies Student HA-65 (Cover Page)
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Senate Committee on Disability Accommodation and Compliance (SCDAC) - Julie Ossege, Chair
      1. Update on Information Gathering Related to the Disability Resource Center
      2. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Senate Committee on Disability Accommodation and Compliance (SCDAC),” “Ex Officio Nonvoting Membership”) (Cover Page) (PDF)
    2. Senate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) - Leslie Vincent, Chair
      1. Four BSN Nursing Proposals and Associated SR Changes
      2. Proposed Change to MS Epidemiology (Curriculog)
      3. Proposed Changes to DMD Dentistry - Senate Rules ("Attendance and Academic Discipline in the Professional Programs," "College of Dentistry") (Curriculog)
    3. Senate Distance and e-Learning Committee (SCDLeL) - Sara Police, Chair
      1. Proposed Change to MSNS Nutritional Science (online) (Curriculog)
    4. Senate Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Sandra Bastin, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Leadership for Early Childhood and Family Policy (online) (Curriculog)
    5. Senate Rules and Elections Committee - Roger Brown, Chair
      1. Proposed Change to SR (“Repeat Option,” “Graduate Students”) (PDF)
    6. Senate Nominating Committee (SNC) - Bob Grossman, Chair
      1. Nominees for Ombud Search Committee
    7. Senate Calendar Committee (SCC) - Richard Charnigo, Chair
      1. 2023 - 2024 Law (Cover Page) (PDF)
      2. 2025 - 2026 Law, Tentative (Cover Page) (PDF)
      3. 2023 - 2024 Dentistry (Cover Page) (PDF)
      4. 2025 - 2026 Dentistry, Tentative (Cover Page) (PDF)
      5. 2023 - 2024 Medicine (Cover Page) (PDF)
      6. 2025 - 2026 Medicine, Tentative (Cover Page) (PDF)
      7. Proposed Changes to 2022-23 Academic Calendar (Cover Page) (PDF)
      8. Proposed Changes to 2023-24 Academic Calendar (Cover Page) (PDF)
  4. Proposed New Faculty Body for TEK Courses (PDF)
  5. Proposed Change to Senate Rules (“Senate Academic Advising Committee,” “Voting Student Members”) (Cover Page) (PDF)
  6. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  7. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)