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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Action items:

  1. Approval of Minutes: 12 February 2001
  2. Chair’s Announcements
  3. Report: Library Committee, Ling Hwey Jeng, Chair
  4. Action on a proposal to change the name of the Department of Electrical Engineering to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (PDF)
  5. Proposal to change University Senate Rules, Section IV - and Section V -, Admission, Retention and Graduation from University of Kentucky Teacher Education Programs
  6. Recommendation from the Senate Council to Change Senate Rule Section V -, Advanced Degrees for Faculty Members to accurately reflect the change in structure of the University of Kentucky made by the passage of the Kentucky Higher Education Reform Act. If approved, the proposal will be forwarded to the administration for a corresponding change in the Governing Regulations X - 14, item 6 (PDF)
  7. For Discussion Only: University Studies Presentation, Phil Kraemer, Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PDF)