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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Action items:

  1. Approval of Minutes: 13 November 2000
  2. Chair’s Announcements
  3. John Piecoro report on the self-study process
  4. Resolution for separate Board of Trustee representation of the Medical Center faculty and Lexington Campus faculty. The Senate Council recommends disapproval. The resolution with the Council's rationale is attached as "A." This matter was discussed at the November 13 Senate meeting. (PDF)
  5. Recommendation of the Senate Committee on Academic Organization and Structure for approval of the Center for Micro-Magnetic and Electronic Devices. The summary of the proposal is attached as "B." At the November 13 Senate meeting, this proposal was referred back to the Committee on Academic Organization and Structure. (PDF)
  6. Recommendation of the Senate Academic Programs Committee and Senate Council of approval of changes in the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership. An objection was filed to this program change, and Senate rules require that the matter be resolved by the Senate. The proposal and a memorandum giving the background is attached as "C." (PDF)
  7. Recommendation of the Senate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee and the Senate Council for approval of waiver provisions at the dean level for restrictions in certain rules (pass/fail, late registration, hours on probation) (PDF)