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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Action Items:

  1. Welcome
  2. Remarks: President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.
  3. Introductions and Remarks: Chair Roy L. Moore
  4. Approval of Minutes: 12 April 1999 and 17 May 1999 (circulated).
  5. Resolutions
  6. Ombud Report - 1998-1999, Professor Jeffrey Dembo
  7. a. Proposal to establish a Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery. If approved, the proposal will be forwarded to the President for appropriate administrative action. (Circulated under date of 19 August.) (PDF)
  8. . Proposal to amend University Senate Rules, Section IV, Admission policy changes, Gatton College of Business and Economics (circulated under date of 20 August 1999). (PDF)