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Meeting of the:
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PDF (241.02 KB)
  1. Minutes from August 29, 2022 and Announcements
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Senate Advisory Committee on Disability Accommodation and Compliance (SACDAC) - Justin Lane, Chair
      1. Response to SC Request for Information about Reasonable Accommodation Process (Cover Page) (PDF)
  3. Clinical Title Series (CTS) Faculty (Cover Page)
    1. Annual CTS Report (April 2022) (PDF)
    2. Administrative Regulations 2:6 ("Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion in the Clinical Title Series (Approved by the Board of Trustees)") (PDF)
  4. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 1.3 ("Councils of the Senate") and SR 1.4.1 ("Structure of University Senate Committees") - Discussion Only (Cover Page) (PDF in Track Changes) (PDF with Changes Accepted)
  5. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  6. Senate Council Liaisons (Cover Page)
    1. Undergraduate Council
    2. Graduate Council
    3. Health Care Colleges Council
  7. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)