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Senate Council meetings are held in 103 Main Building, but a Zoom link is also available:

  1. Minutes from November 29, 2021 and Announcements
  2. Honorary Degrees - Acting Associate Provost of Graduate and Professional Education and Dean of The Graduate School (PDF)
  3. Degree Recipients
    1. December 2021 In Memoriam Degree List
    2. December 2021 Degree List
  4. Liaisons to Councils
    1. Undergraduate Council
  5. Officer Elections (PDF)
    1. Vice Chair
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Senate’s Distance Learning and eLearning Committee (SCDLeL) - Roger Brown, Chair
      1. Regular and Substantive Interactions (RSI) (PDF)
    2. Senate’s Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) - Michelle Sizemore
      1. Proposed Change to SR for University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law ("Conditions of Merit and Circumstance for Degree Honors") (PDF)
      2. Proposed Change to SR for PharmD ("Conditions of Merit and Circumstance for Degree Honors") (PDF)
  7. Tentative Senate Agenda for December 13, 2021 (PDF)
  8. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)