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Times are estimates.

The Senate Council retreat on Monday, May 24 will be held in the E. Britt Brockman Senate Chamber in the Gatton Student Center. The meeting can also be attended via Zoom (link below). Email Stephanie Woolery with questions about Zoom.

Arrivals (9 – 9:30 am)

  1. Minutes from April 26, 2021 and Announcements
  2. President Eli Capilouto, University Senate Chair (9:30 – 10:30 am)

Break (10:30 – 10.45 am)

  1. Update from Senate Rules Workgroup (10:45 – 11:30 am) (PDF)
  2. Aspects of Senate’s Curricular Approval Process

a. Suspension/Closure and SACSCOC Requirements (11:30 – 12 pm)


Lunch (12 – 1 pm)



b. Senate’s Discussion on Distance Learning Approvals (1 – 1:45 pm) (PDF)


  1. Discussion on Senate Rules (“Agendas and Action Items”) (1:45 – 2 pm) (PDF)

Break (2 – 2:15 pm)

  1. Pandemic-Related Discussions
    1. Framework for Fall Modalities (2:15 – 2:45 pm)
    2. Managing Fall University Senate Meetings (2:45 – 3:15)
  2. Senate Committee Chair Review (3:15 – 3:30 pm)