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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Due to the COVID pandemic, all SC meetings will be held via video conference until further notice. Below is the link to access Monday's meeting via Zoom. Email Stephanie Woolery for the password if you have not already received it.

The easiest way to access the proposals in Curriculog is to first LOG INTO CURRICULOG and then click on the Curriculog URLs below. To see all the Curriculog proposals in one place, you can click HERE to access the Curriculog agenda.

  1. Minutes and Announcements
  2. Degree Recipients
    1. May 2021 In Memoriam Degree Recipients
    2. May 2021 Degree List
    3. August 2021 Degree List
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Senate’s Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Leslie Vincent
      1. Proposed New USP BS/MS Geological Sciences (Curriculog)
      2. Proposed Significant Change to DSW Social Work (Curriculog)
    2. Senate’s Academic Organization and Structure (SAOSC) – Zack Bray, Chair
      1. Proposed New Center for the Environment (PDF)
    3. Senate’s Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) - Jennifer Bird-Pollan, Chair
      1. Update on Activities
  4. Request for Input on Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Interstate Passport Program - Associate Vice President for Student Success and Chief Enrollment Officer Christine Harper (PDF)
  5. Proposed Change to Senate Rules 4.1.1 (“Application for Admission and Readmission”) – Associate Vice President for Student Success and Chief Enrollment Officer Christine Harper (PDF)
  6. Tentative Senate Agenda for May 3, 2021 (PDF)
  7. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)