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Meeting of the:
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Due to the COVID pandemic, all SC meetings will be held via video conference until further notice. Below is the link to access Monday's meeting via Zoom. Email Stephanie Woolery for the password if you have not already received it.

  1. Minutes from November 30, 2020 and Announcements
  2. Officer Election
    1. Vice Chair
  3. Degree Recipients
    1. Additions to December 2020 Degree List
      1. College of Education Student UH-33
      2. College of Fine Arts Student CK-90
    2. Honorary Degree Recipient(s)
  4. Request from Nursing for Modification to Reading Days, Dead Week, and Finals Week in Undergraduate Courses (proposal presented to SC: PDF) (proposal approved by SC: PDF)
  5. Ad Hoc Committee on Calendars’ Proposed Changes to Academic Calendars (PDF)
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Senate’s Admissions and Academic Standards Committee - Jennifer Bird-Pollan, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules Pertaining to Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals (PDF)
      2. Proposed Change to Senate Rules Regarding Undergraduate Certificates (PDF)
    2. Senate’s Academic Organization and Structure Committee - Zack Bray, Chair
      1. Proposed Closure of Seven Multidisciplinary Research Centers (and Open Forums, per SR (PDF)
        • Center for Developmental Change
        • Center for Learning Resources
        • Center for Research on Environmental Disease
        • Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery
        • Center for Advancement of Women’s Health
        • Center for Microelectrode Technology
        • Center for Manufacturing
  7. [Item Requested to be Added to Agenda] Proposed Modifications to Graduate School Policies for International Students (PDF)
  8. Tentative Agenda for December 14, 2020 Senate Meeting (PDF)
  9. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)