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Media Coverage

June 11, 2024, H- Leader Op-Ed-Administrative takeover of UK is now complete: a dangerous program by dishonest means- Douglas Michael.

June 5, 2024- Faculty Power on the Line in Kentucky- Inside Higher Ed

May 3, 2024-H-Leader Op-Ed-Where is the research and data that dissolving UK Senate is best for school?-Donald J. Mullineaux

May 2,2024- H-Leader Op-Ed-UK ‘shoving’ new regulations down employees throats without any proof they will work- Bob Grossman

April 30, 2024- H-Leader Op-Ed-UK Board Chair: Trustees are ‘successful business people’ who know what’s at stake for flagship school.- E. Britt Brockman

April 27, 2024- Kentucky Lantern- University of Kentucky board approves change in how institution is governed, a ‘faculty senate’- Sarah Ladd and McKenna Horsley

April 26, 2024- H-Leader- UK votes to dissolve university senate, strips role of helping set school policies- Monica Kast and Kendall Staton

April 25, 2024- Truthout- Administrators Are Trying to Strip Decision-Making Power From Faculty- Bertrin M. Louis Jr. & Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt

April 23, 2024- H-Leader Op-Ed- UK is ‘accelerating’ in wrong direction with proposed dissolution of university senate- Michael Kennedy

April 18, 2024- H-Leader Opinion-Capilouto’s plan to dissolve UK University Senate is naked power grab and should be stopped- Linda Blackford

April 15, 2024- The politics of shared governance and the higher education crisis- The Hill.  

April 12,2024- Dispute Over Academic Governance Simmering at University of Kentucky- Past Provost Nitzel- Forbes

April 11, 2024- H-Leader Op-Ed-Capilouto's assault on shared governance is a radical attack on democracy at UK- Written by UK Students William Taylor and Kamryn Lin

April 2, 2024- H-Leader Op-Ed-UK President Capilouto is pecking away at shared governance and students’ futures- Carol Mason    

March 28, 2024- University of Kentucky President Proposes to Strip Faculty Body’s Power- Inside Higher Ed

March 19, 2024- Changes recommended to UK board will be ‘designed to clarify’ faculty’s role, president says H-Leader- Monica Kast

March  15, 2024- Does this University Senate Have To Much Power- Chronicle of Higher Ed- Megan Zahneis

March 12, 2024- H-Leader Opinion- Faculty have the best perspective to set academic policy at UK- Drs. Greg Erhardt and Tim Taylor

March 12, 2024- H-Leader- UK president says he will keep reviewing faculty senate’s role. They’ve asked him to stop- Monica Kast

March 5, 2024- H-Leader- UK faculty will ask president to halt review of university senate’s role, structure - Monica Kast

Feb 27, 2024- H-Leader- UK Senate Council has ‘profound concerns’ about proposed changes to its responsibilities- Monica Kast

Feb 23, 2024- H-Leader Op-Ed- ‘An existential attack.’ UK administration fires warning shots on faculty power- Linda Blackford

Feb 23, 2024- H-Leader- UK looks to change role of faculty senate. Employees worry it will take away authority- Monica Kast