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Student Resources

Students may enroll at UK having already completed some coursework. Visit the links below to learn more about whether a non-UK Core course may be used to fulfill a UK Core area requirement.


Composition and Communication

Click this link for information for students entering Fall 2015 and beyond.

Transfer Credit

The Transfer Admissions office also works with students regarding transfer equivalency credit for courses taken at other institutions. Information on transfer equivalency or transfer credit can be found on their website.

click here

Requesting Approval for Another Institution's Course to Fulfill a UK Core Area

If a student has taken a course at UK or elsewhere that is not a designated UK Core course, the student may petition the UK Core Education Exceptions Subcommittee to grant an exception to allow the course to satisfy a UK Core requirement.

click here

Credit via AP, CLEP, IB, or Special Examination

Some students may earn UK Core credit based on examinations taken in high school such as through the Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). The Office of the Registrar provides information for these and other prior learning assessments on their website.

click here

FAQ for Students

Where can I find a listing of UK Core courses?

The University has many UK Core courses. Click here to access a current list of UK Core courses.

Can a course taken at another institution be used to fulfill a UK Core area requirement?

Yes. When academic credit is assigned for a course taken at another institution, that course is "linked" with a UK course.  Any UK Core requirement fulfilled by that UK course is also fulfilled by the transferred course.  As always, please see your academic advisor regarding specific questions. Click here for more information.

Can AP, IB, or CLEP credit count for UK Core?

Yes. Credit for the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College Board CLEP programs may, in some circumstances, be applied toward a specific UK Core area. Visit the Credit by Examination page for more details.

How can I track my progress on UK Core requirements?

The student degree audit system in myUK Graduation Planning System (GPS) is the official record of the UK Core requirements that a student has fulfilled. In addition, the degree audit provides the student an opportunity to evaluate where they stand regarding how their completed courses (and transfer courses, if applicable) may apply towards their degree program and any declared minors. 

More information is available on the Registrar's website for myGPS.

Are all students required to participate in UK Core?

UK Core officially began with students that entered UK in the Fall 2011 semester. All students must complete 30 hours in the UK Core through coursework completed at UK, applicable transfer coursework, AP credit, or a combination thereof.

If I earn an AA, AS, or a bachelor's degree from another college or university, what requirements do I meet at the University of Kentucky in the UK Core?

Students who transfer to UK with an AA, AS, or a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution will have earned credit for all UK Core requirements.