Experimental UK Core Course (UKC)
The UKC prefix allows faculty to propose a course for UK Core and to teach it up to two times prior to submitting it for formal approval. We encourage faculty to be “experimental” in their approaches, while also ensuring that the course meets the learning outcomes for UK Core course area as defined by the relevant course template.
Note the following:
- Experimental UKC courses may only be taught twice, after which they must be submitted as new courses through regular curriculum channels prior to being taught again.
- Instructors of UKC courses, like instructors of all UK Core courses, are expected to participate in Core assessment activities.
- UKC courses should not generally be utilized as a vehicle for teaching large numbers of students in an expeditious manner, but rather to provide faculty with the opportunity to develop and test new courses prior to the formal approval process.
- Students may not repeat the same title for credit, unless they are exercising the repeat option.
Requesting Approval for an Experimental UK Core Course (UKC)
In order to submit a request for an experimental UK Core course (UKC), proposers must first receive approval from department faculty and college-level faculty. Instructions on how to document these approvals is below.
Requests for approval for an experimental UK Core course are submitted via a Qualtrics survey, not through Curriculog.
In addition to identifying the course hundred series and Core area that the experimental course will fulfill, proposers must also suggest the specific course number (and ensure that it falls within the selected course hundred series/Core area).
Submitting the Request
Click on this link and respond to all survey questions. Proposers are also required to upload three files, described below.
Upload #1: Course Syllabus
- Proposers must provide a complete syllabus that meets all the requirements established by the Senate (see sidebar). Proposers will upload the course syllabus via a question towards the end of the Qualtrics survey referred to above.
Upload #2: UK Core Area Course Checklist
- Proposers must evaluate their course syllabus against the appropriate UK Core area course checklist. Proposers will upload the completed checklist via a question towards the end of the Qualtrics survey referred to above.
Upload #3: Department and College-Level Approvals
- Proposers must compile any/all documentation of department and college-level approvals and combine them into a single PDF. Proposers will upload the documentation of approval via a question towards the end of the Qualtrics survey referred to above.