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UK Core, UK's General Education Program

The University of Kentucky’s general education program – UK Core – is foundational to the education students receive at UK. A university education is more than simply learning a set of skills in a specific area in preparation for a job or career; it is designed to broaden students’ understanding of themselves, of the world we live in, of their role in our global society, and of the ideals and aspirations that have motivated human thought and action throughout the ages. UK Core helps students effectively put into action their acquired knowledge, to provide the bases for critical thinking and problem solving, and to develop life-long learning habits.


Areas in UK Core

As documented in the Senate Rules, every undergraduate student must complete the ten areas described below. A course taken to satisfy a requirement in one area of UK Core cannot be used to satisfy a requirement in another area, even if a specific course is present in more than one area. (At one time, courses were permitted to meet the learning outcomes in more than one area.)

UK Core is designed to provide the equivalent of 30 credit hours of general education knowledge. Some UK Core courses are more than three credit hours, resulting in more than 30 total UK Core credit hours for a student.


I. Intellectual Inquiry (Preamble)

A.  The Nature of Inquiry in Arts and Creativity (3 credit hours)

B.  The Nature of Inquiry in the Humanities (3 credit hours)

C.  The Nature of Inquiry in the Social Sciences (3 credit hours)

D.  The Nature of Inquiry in the Natural, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences (3 credit hours)


II. Written, Oral and Visual Communication

A. Composition and Communication I (3 credit hours)

B. Composition and Communication II (3 credit hours)


III. Quantitative Reasoning (Preamble)

A. Quantitative Foundations (3 credit hours)

B. Statistical Inferential Reasoning (3 credit hours)


IV. Citizenship

A. Community, Culture and Citizenship in the USA (3 credit hours)

B. Global Dynamics (3 credit hours)


UK Core Total Required Credit Hours: 30 hours