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Currently Under Review:

Approved by University Senate on Friday, May 9, 2008

The University Senate transmittal was posted on Wednesday, April 30, 2008. Objections will be accepted in the Office of the Senate Council through close of business on Friday, May 9. If you have any questions, please contact Sheila Brothers or call 257-5871.

The items below would normally be placed on an agenda for a live Senate meeting, but the size of the May 5, 2008 Senate agenda is already large. Thus, SC members voted to place these items on a web transmittal for a 10-day review, becuase the SC saw the proposals as very straightforward..
Courses to Review:
College Prefix Number Course Title Type Effective Date PDF Withdrawn
Programs to Review:
College Program Name Type Effective Date PDF Withdrawn
Physiology Teaching Graduate Certificate
Fall 2008
Pharm D & MPP M (Public Policy) Dual Degree
Fall 2008
Pre-Qualifying Residency Requirement Change
Fall 2008
Instructor Feedback Forms SR Change
Fall 2008