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Minutes and Announcements Gen Ed Discussion Meeting cancelled.


Minutes from December 4, 2010 TurnItIn (TII) Presentation Gen Ed Discussion September 2009 KCTCS Candidates for Credentials Final Exam Scheduling of Evening/Weekend Classes (PDF)


Minutes and Announcements Minutes from December 7, 2009 (PDF) Minutes from January 11, 2010 (PDF) Change to Application Deadline for Graduate School (PDF)


Minutes from January 25 and Announcements (PDF) Proposed Change to Senate Rules ("Senate Institutional Finance and Resource Allocation Committee") (PDF) Minutes from December 1 Meeting of the Senate's Library Committee (PDF) QEP Topic Selection Plan - Deanna Sellnow


Minutes from January 25 (PDF)and February 1 (PDF)and Announcements Curricular Proposals SharePoint - Follow Up Proposed Change to Dentistry Calendar QEP Topic Selection Team Nominees Two Requests from Senate Council to Academic Councils Nominees for Area Committees and Others


Minutes and Announcements Continued Discussion - Athletics Program and UK Finances Advising Network Calendar Proposal (PDF) Student Government Association Calendar Proposal (PDF) Senator Concern - Senate Agendas (PDF)


Minutes from February 15, 2010 and Announcements (PDF) Proposed New Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Education, Research, and Practice (PDF)


Minutes from February 22 (PDF) and March 1 (PDF) and Announcements More than Two Bachelor's Degrees (PDF) SGA Calendar Proposal (PDF) Confirmation of Senate's Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals Committee Chair


Minutes and Announcements Proposed Change to Engineering Standing Requirements for Chemical Engineering (PDF) Proposed Change to Minor in Computer Science (PDF) Winter Intersession Report Gen Ed Implementation Issues


Minutes and Announcements First Annual Substantive Change Policy Notification - Discussion on Administrative Procurement of Such Senate Advice (PDF) Proposed Changes to Governing Regulations IV ("The University Senate") (PDF) Advising Network Calendar Discussion