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Minutes from October 20 and Announcements (PDF) Discussion on Proposed Changes to Human Resources Policy and Procedure 4.0 UK December 2008 Degree List Proposed New Center: Kentucky Diabetes and Obesity Center (PDF)


Minutes from November 3 and Announcements (PDF) Proposal to Expand University Scholars Program to Doctoral Students (PDF) Request for Rule Waiver: Senate Rules (PDF)


Minutes from November 17 and Announcements (PDF) Name Change: Department of Diagnostic Radiology (PDF) New Graduate Certificate: Vocal Pedagogy (PDF)


Minutes from November 24 and Announcements (PDF) Turnitin Discussion - Ruth Beattie, Chair, Instructional Computing Subcommittee New Program: BS in Equine Management and Science (PDF)


December 15 Minutes and Announcements (PDF) Confirmation of New SREC Chair December 2008 List of BCTC Candidates for Credentials SACPT Vacancies Request for SOP on Vacancies in Advisory Committees Curricular Teams Undergraduate College (PDF)


Minutes and Announcements Minutes from December 1 (PDF) Minutes from December 15 (PDF) Minutes from January 12 (PDF)


January 26th Minutes and Announcements (PDF) Program Deletion - Minor in Quantitative Financial Analysis (PDF) New Graduate Certificate in Distance Education (PDF)


Minutes and Annoucements Minutes from January 26 (PDF) Minutes from February 2 (PDF) New Graduate Certificate: Global Health (PDF)


Minutes from February 16 and Announcements (PDF) Rule Waiver Request for Student (WE-96) (PDF) New Graduate Certificate: Global Health (PDF)


Minutes and Announcements from February 23 (PDF) Proposed Changes to College of Engineering Probation and Suspension Rule (PDF) Change to Graduation Standards: BS in Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles (PDF)