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December 19 Minutes and Announcements Proposed Change to GR XI - ("Student Affairs") Rationale for Senate Council (PDF) GR XI - Revision with Track Changes (DOC) GR XI - Revision without Track Changes (PDF)


January 9 Minutes and Announcements Board and Senate Degree List Review of Non-Commissioned Ad Hoc Committees Nominees to the University Committee on Academic Planning and Priorities Proposed Changes to Senate Rules Section I (DOC) Graduate Certificate in Public Health Nursing (PDF)


January 23 Minutes and Announcements Update from Ernie Bailey Regarding Provost Search Process Academic Calendars 2006 - 2007 Calendar (PDF) 2008 - 2009 Tentative Calendar (PDF) 2006 - 2007 Law Calendar (PDF)


January 30 Minutes and Announcements Zero-Credit Hour Courses in Undergraduate Course Work - Guest, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education Phil Kraemer College of Nursing Admissions Proposal (PDF) Graduate Certificate in Public Health Nursing (PDF) Academic Calendars


February 6 Minutes and Announcements Completer Degrees (PDF) Academic Calendars 2006 - 2007 Calendar (PDF) 2008 - 2009 Tentative Calendar (PDF) 2006 - 2007 Law Calendar (PDF)


Minutes from February 20 and Announcements MS Dentistry Plan B Option (PDF) Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy Letter from Associate Dean, Approval by CHS Academic Affairs Committee, Etc. (PDF) Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy Proposal with Courses (PDF)


Minutes from February 27 and Announcements MS Dentistry Plan B Option (PDF) Women's Studies Program Name Change Proposal (PDF) Memo from Academic Organization and Structure Committee and Email Response (PDF)


Minutes from March 6 and Announcements New DOE Form - Dave Watt & Marla Powers (PDF) (Old) Agriculture DOE (PDF) (Old) Medicine DOE (PDF) (Old) Libraries DOE (PDF)


Minutes from March 27 and Announcements KCTCS Candidates Applying for Credentials UK May Degree Candidate List Winter Intersession Calendar (PDF) Agenda for US meeting 4/10 (PDF) AAAC and Other Nominees - Nomination Process & Options Proposed SI Grade (PDF)


Minutes from April 3 and Announcements AAAC, Other Administrative Committees and Other Nominees - Update Completer Degrees - Guests: Jim Applegate and Nicole McDonald, CPE (PDF) New Minor: Folklore and Mythology (PDF) Changes to Senate Rules Section VI Section VI with Track Changes (DOC)