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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes - Draft of 12.03.01
  2. Chair's Announcements
  3. Resolutions
  4. Senate Committee Reports
  5. Action Item: Honorary Degree Candidates, presented by Graduate School Dean Doug Kalika
  6. Action Item: Item A (PDF) - proposal for the Creation of the Center on Structural Biology. If approved, the proposal will be forwarded to the Provost for appropriate Board action.
  7. Action Item: Items B, C, D, and E (PDF) - four recommendations from the Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee: Graduate School Rules; modifications of the University Senate Rules (S and UN Grades); Graduate Council recommendations on codifying a dual degree rule; and, proposed Graduate Certificate Rules.
  8. Presentation by Tony Stoeppel on Graduation Contracts. Action: The Senate Council recommends that the Senate direct the Senate Council to work with the Provost to establish a representative task force to devise a workable plan for a graduation contract.