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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (37.25 KB)
  1. Minutes
  2. Chair’s Announcements and Remarks
  3. Resolutions Resolution on basketball arena
  4. Presentation of Honorary Degree Candidates, Professor Phyllis Wise, Honorary Degree Committee Chair
  5. Proposal to modify the Governing Regulations relative to interruption of service during probationary period. A recommendation from the University Senate to the Administration. (circulated under date of 14 January 1998).
  6. Proposal to amend University Senate Rules, Section V - a. Repeat Option (Circulated under date of 27 January 1998.) (PDF)
  7. Proposal to amend University Sente Rules, Section IV - 4.2.5, to change Graduate School Admissions criteria. (Circulated under date of 26 January 1998.)