The items below are scheduled for review via a consent agenda by the Senate Council on Monday, April 27, 2020. Any member of the Senate Council may remove an item below from the consent agenda simply by emailing Sheila Brothers or Jennifer Bird-Pollan with that request, either before 2 pm on the day of the meeting or by making such a request during the meeting before the consent agenda is approved. If items are removed from a consent agenda, they will be placed on a subsequent Senate Council agenda for regular review.
Proposals in Curriculog (Agenda Dated April 27, 2020)
- MS Applied Behavior Analysis
- PhD Integrated Biomedical Sciences
- Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
Proposals in PDF
- Proposed Changes to Premajor Requirements for Undergraduate Programs in Gatton College of Business and Economics (Add MA 137 as Premajor Option) (PDF)
- Proposed Changes to Undergraduate Graduation Requirements in Gatton College of Business and Economics (PDF)
- Proposed Changes to Required Hours Inside/Outside the Unit/Program for Undergraduate Programs in College of Communication and Information (PDF)