Deviations from the University Calendar
Deviation from established University calendar(s) creates significant difficulties in managing class space assignment, tracking of student status and eligibility for various student benefits, potential for improper course overload, etc. In addition, there are concerns about potentially depriving a student from a University (academic) holiday or federal holiday.
Making the Request
Step 1
To request a deviation from the Calendar, such as a change to the start/end date of a course, or modify the date on which a program/course observes a University or federal holiday, first download and fill out the required form.
Request for Deviation from Calendar (DOCX)
Step 2
Draft a detailed narrative description of the request. The narrative should be as long as is needed, but must be no more than one page; a couple of paragraphs is generally quite sufficient.
Step 3
Convert both files to a PDF, combine, and send to Kristen Pickett ( ) in the Senate Council office. Upon receipt of such a request, the proposal will be submitted to the Calendar Committee, which is charged with making recommendations to the Senate Council regarding deviations from the Academic calendar.
Next Steps
When the Calendar Committee is prepared to offer a recommendation to the Senate Council, the proposer will be invited to attend the meeting in question to answer any questions that may arise.