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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:

The April 22, 2024 SC meeting will take place at 3 pm in 103 Main Building.                  

1. Minutes from April 15, 2024 and Announcements

2. Committee Recommendations

     a. Senate Distance Learning and e-Learning Committee (SCDLeL) - Sara Police, Chair
          i. Proposed new Graduate Certificate in Arts Emergency Management (Curriculog)
          ii. Proposed new Graduate Certificate in Creative Social Entrepreneurship (Curriculog)
          iii. Proposed new Graduate Certificate in Taxation (Curriculog)

     b. UK Core Education Committee (SUKCEC) - Keiko Tenaka, Chair
          i. Proposed UK Core Course Proposal Process (PDF)
               a. Proposed UK Core Syllabus Template
               b. Proposed Core Items to be Added to the Curriculog Form
               c. Proposed Senate UK Core Education Committee Course Proposal Checklist
          ii. Proposed Policy on UK Core Subtitle Required Courses (PDF)

3. UK Association of Emeriti Faculty position on the abolition of the University Senate (PDF)

4. Retreat discussion topics

5. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)