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The March 11, 2024 SC meeting will take place at 3pm over Zoom.

  1. Minutes from March 4, 2024 and Announcements
  2. Committee Recommendations
    1. Distance Learning and e-Learning Committee (DLeL)- Sara Police, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Rural Health and Wellbeing (Curriculog)
      2. Proposed Change to MS Supply Chain Management (Curriculog)
    2. Senate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC)- Leslie Vincent, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to BS in Career and Technical Education (Curriculog)
      2. Proposed Changes to SR (“Required Syllabi Components”) (PDF)
    3. Senate Academic Programs Committee (SAPC)- Sandra Bastin, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Appalachian Studies (Curriculog)
  3. Proposed Change to SR (“Statute of Limitations”) (PDF)
  4. Call for Honorary Degree Nominees
  5. Ombud Reappointment
  6. Resolution from March 4, 2024 Senate Council Meeting
  7. Tentative Senate Agenda for March 18, 2024 (PDF)
  8. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)