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Meeting of the:
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Senate Council meetings are held at 3 pm in 103 Main Building, but a Zoom link is also available:

The easiest way to access the proposals in Curriculog is to first LOG INTO CURRICULOG and then click on the Curriculog URLs below.

  1. Minutes from April 4, 2022 and Announcements
  2. Honorary Degree Recipient
  3. Proposed Change to College of Medicine 2022-23 Calendar (PDF)
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Senate Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) - Gregg Hall, Chair
      1. Proposed Move of Institute for Biomedical Informatics from Provost to Vice President for Research (PDF)
    2. Senate Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Leslie Vincent, Chair
      1. Proposed 4+1 between BHS Clinical Leadership and Management and Master of Health Administration (CLM + MHA) (PDF)
      2. Proposed Change to MPH (Curriculog)
    3. Senate Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) - DeShana Collett, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Prep Week and Reading Days”) (PDF)
    4. Ad Hoc Committee on Courses without Faculty Oversight - DeShana Collett
      1. Final Report (PDF)
    5. Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Policies for Unscheduled Closings
      1. Final Report (PDF)
  5. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)