Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Senate Council meetings are held at 3 pm in 103 Main Building, but a Zoom link is also available: https://uky.zoom.us/j/81440614753?pwd=RXpYZk83R2VjbzVXSE5rNHIvNzVXUT09
The easiest way to access the proposals in Curriculog is to first LOG INTO CURRICULOG and then click on the Curriculog URLs below.
- Minutes from March 28, 2022 and Announcements
- Committee Reports
- Senate’s Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Leslie Vincent, Chair
- Proposed New MS Heritage Resources Administration (Curriculog)
- Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Deaf-Blind (Curriculog)
- Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics (Curriculog)
- Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Explorations in STEM Education (Curriculog)
- Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Child Life (Curriculog)
- Proposed Change to MSNFS Nutrition and Food Systems (Curriculog)
- Proposed Change to MS Research Methods in Education (Curriculog)
- Proposed Changes to BA/BS Journalism (Curriculog)
- Senate’s Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Leslie Vincent, Chair
- College of Law 2022-23 Calendar
- Request to Change Title of the Course Catalog and Bulletins (PDF)
- Tentative Senate Agenda for April 11, 2022 (PDF)
- Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)