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Meeting of the:
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Senate Council meetings are held in 103 Main Building, but a Zoom link is also available:

  1. Minutes from October 18, 2021 and Announcements
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Senate’s Distance Learning and eLearning Committee (SCDLeL) - Roger Brown, Chair
      1. Definition of Online Program and Status of Programs Previously Approved for Online Delivery (PDF)
    2. Senate’s Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure - Michael Healy, Chair
      1. 2020-21 Report
  3. Senate Meeting Modalities (PDF)
  4. Report from Strategic Plan Representative (Trust, Transparency, and Accountability Team Member Erik Blalock) (PDF)
  5. Tentative Senate Agenda for November 8, 2021 (PDF)
  6. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)