Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
(212.3 KB)
Senate Council meetings are held in 103 Main Building, but a Zoom link is also available: https://uky.zoom.us/j/87453849095?pwd=eXhSOXZvRmd0NmxKZ1JvM2NuV2ptQT09
- Minutes from September 8, 2021 and Announcements
- [Item Requested to be Added to Agenda] Old Business
- Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian
- Proposed Changes to Administrative Regulations 1:5 (“Policy on Reporting Substantive Change to the Southern Association of Colleges and School Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)”)
- Fully Online Delivery Form (PDF)
- Courses without Faculty Oversight (PDF)
- Senate Meeting Considerations
- Senate Meeting Roundtable (Time Permitting)
- Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)