Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
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Due to the COVID pandemic, all SC meetings will be held via video conference until further notice. Below is the link to access Monday's meeting via Zoom. Email Stephanie Woolery for the password if you have not already received it.
- Minutes and Announcements
- Nonstandard Course Calendars for PT Courses for Spring 2021 (PDF)
- Recommended Policy for Student Load in 2020-21 Winter Intersession [Item Requested to be Added to Agenda] (PDF)
- Background on Proposed New "Fully Online Approval Form" (PDF)
- Committee Reports
- Senate’s Distance and eLearning Committee (SCDLeL) - Roger Brown, Chair
- Proposed New “Fully Online Approval Form” (PDF)
- Senate’s Academic Organization and Structure Committee - Zack Bray, Chair
- Proposed Transfer of the Center for Muscle Biology from the College of Medicine to the College of Health Sciences (PDF)
- Senate’s Distance and eLearning Committee (SCDLeL) - Roger Brown, Chair
- COVID Ongoing Discussion
- Soliciting Opinions from University Community
- Senate Oversight of General Education (PDF)
- Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)