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Meeting of the:
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Due to the COVID pandemic, all SC meetings will be held via video conference until further notice. Below is the link to access Monday's meeting via Zoom. Email Stephanie Woolery for the password if you have not already received it.

  1. Minutes from September 7, 2020 and Announcements
  2. Old Business
    1. Proposed Nonstandard Course Calendar for AAD Courses (PDF)
    2. Concerns Related to Governing Regulations VIII (“University Appointments”) (PDF)
  3. Calendar Requests
    1. College of Pharmacy (PharmD) Spring 2021 (PDF)
    2. Nonstandard Calendar Request for EMBA Courses for Spring 2021 (PDF)
    3. Nonstandard Calendar Request for AT 641 for Spring 2021 (PDF)
    4. Nonstandard Calendar Request for CSD 659 for Spring 2021 (PDF)
    5. Summer 2021 Calendar (PDF)
    6. Winter Intersession 2020-2021 Calendar [pending receipt of documentation]
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Ad Hoc Workgroup on Senate’s Admissions and Academic Standards Committee Charge (AHWSAASCC)
      1. Final Report (PDF)
  5. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)