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Meeting of the:
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PDF (161.71 KB)
  1. Minutes from March 23, 2020 and Announcements
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Aaron Cramer
      1. [significant change] Proposed Changes to BA/BS Geography (Curriculog agenda dated April 20, 2020)
      2. Proposed New University Scholars Program between the BSEE Electrical Engineering and MSEE Electrical Engineering (PDF)
      3. Proposed New University Scholars Program between the BSME Mechanical Engineering and PhD Mechanical Engineering (PDF)
      4. [significant change] Proposed Changes to BSHPS Plant and Soil Science (PDF)
    2. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee - Bill Smith, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 4.2.8 ("Undergraduate Certificates") and Senate Rules 4.2.9 ("Graduate Certificates") [pending receipt of SAASC documentation] (PDF) (PDF with notes regarding old/new language)
      2. Proposed Changes to PhD Sociology [pending receipt of SAASC documentation] (PDF)
      3. Proposed Changes to Bachelor of Liberal Studies [pending receipt of SAASC documentation] (PDF)
  3. Postbaccalaureate International Students (PDF)
  4. Spring Effective Dates for New Certificates
  5. Renewal of Ombud Term for 2020-21 (PDF)
  6. Special Senate Council Meeting Roundtable (Time Permitting)
  7. COVID-19 Ongoing Policy Discussion
    • Probation and Suspension
  8. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)