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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (141.97 KB)
  1. Minutes from February 17 and February 24, 2020 and Announcements
  2. Old Business
    1. Discussion on Standards for Donor Agreements and Associated Naming of Units
    2. Proposed Change to Senate Rules (“Senate UK Core Education Committee (SUKCEC),” “Composition”) (PDF)
    3. Issue of Phased Retirement Senators Serving on SC and as SC Chair - Possible Options for SR Language (PDF)
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) – Bill Smith, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Senate Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals Committee (SRWAC)”) and Senate Rules (“Retroactive Withdrawal”) (PDF)
  4. Slideshow for Senate: Update on Activities in Student and Academic Life to be Presented by Associate Provost for Academic and Student Affairs Kirsten Turner (PDF)
  5. Tentative Senate Agenda for March 9, 2020 (PDF)
  6. Prior Learning Assessment Discussions
  7. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)