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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes from January 13, 2020 and Announcements
  2. Old Business
    1. Senate Meeting Roundtable (Time Permitting) [December 2019 Meeting]
    2. Planning for 2019-20 Faculty Evaluation of the President (PDF)
    3. Date & Topics for Senate Council Retreat
    4. Nominees for Committees
  3. Election of Vice Chair (Term Ending May 31, 2020)
  4. Degree Recipients
    1. May 2020 In Memoriam Degree Recipient
      1. College of Education Student LK-11
    2. Spring 2020 Social Work Graduates at Ft. Sam Houston
    3. Late Addition to December 2019 Degree List (per SR (“Late Addition to Degree List”))
      1. College of Arts and Sciences Student GA-69
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Aaron Cramer, Chair
      1. Proposed New MA in Orientation and Mobility (PDF)
      2. Proposed New MS in Teacher Preparation Program in Visual Impairments (PDF)
      3. Proposed New MS in Supply Chain Management (PDF)
      4. Proposed New BS in Product Design (PDF)
    2. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) – Zack Bray, Chair
      1. Proposed Name Change from the Department of Statistics to the Dr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics [pending receipt of SAOSC documentation] (PDF)
      2. Proposed Move of BA and Minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from College to Department of Geography [pending receipt of SAOSC documentation]
    3. Senate’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion – Beth Guiton, Chair
      1. Recommendations from University’s Taskforce on Religious Holidays (PDF)
      2. Proposal for Diversity and Inclusion Advocate for Search Committees (PDF)
    4. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) – DeShana Collett, Chair
      1. Excused/Unexcused Absences and W & I Grades (PDF)
  6. Proposed Change to 2019-20 University Calendar (Deadline to Apply to Graduate and Registration Windows) (PDF)
  7. Proposed Change to 2020-21 University Calendar (Deadline to Apply to Graduate and Registration Windows) (PDF)
  8. Proposed Change to Senate Rules (“Application for Degrees,” “Undergraduate Degrees”) and Senate Rules (“Application for Degrees,” “Graduate Degrees”) (PDF)
  9. Syllabus Initiative (PDF)
    • Background Information
    • Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 6.1.1 (“Academic Rights of Students”)
    • Web Page with Academic Policy Statements
    • Web Page with Resources for Students
  10. Proposal Regarding Phased Retirement and Senate Membership (PDF)
    • Proposed Changes to Governing Regulations IV (“The University Senate”)
    • Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 1.2.2 (“Functions and Composition of the University Senate,” “Composition”)
    • Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Elected Faculty Membership,” “Election”)
    • Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“University Senate Council,” “Eligibility for Membership”)
    • Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Officers of the Senate Council,” “Senate Council Chair”)
  11. Tentative Senate Agenda for February 10, 2020 (PDF)
  12. January Senate Meeting Roundtable (Time Permitting)
  13. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)