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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (147.68 KB)
  1. Minutes from October 7, 2019 and Announcements
  2. Old Business
    1. Recommendation Regarding Senate Rules (“Conditions of Merit and Circumstance for Degree Honors”) (PDF)
    2. Recommendation that Senate Council Contemplate Policy on How Many UK Credit Hours Toward a Degree Can Be Conferred on Basis of Life Experience Outside a UK Course (PDF)
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Aaron Cramer
      1. Proposed New MA in Applied Environmental and Sustainability Studies (PDF)
      2. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Applied Environmental and Sustainability Studies (PDF)
    2. (Second) Reinstatement Committee
      1. Report on Recent Activities (PDF)
  4. Proposed Change to 2019-20 Calendar (Last Day to Schedule a Final Examination in the Graduate School) (PDF)
  5. Results of 2018-19 Faculty Evaluation of the President
  6. Mental Health Task Force Update – Faculty Training - Leslie Vincent
  7. Senate Meeting Roundtable (Time Permitting)
  8. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)