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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (125.13 KB)
  1. Minutes from August 19, 2019 and Announcements
  2. Provost David Blackwell
  3. Old Business
    1. Nominees for SC Liaisons to Academic Councils (in accordance with SR, SR and SR
  4. Degree Recipients
    1. Late August 2019 Degree List
  5. Update on Non-Degree Students in Summer 2019 and Fall 2019 Classes – Associate Provost for Enrollment Management Christine Harper [pending availability]
  6. Update on CIP Changes - Assistant Provost for Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Annie Davis Weber
  7. Proposed Change to 2019-20 University Calendar (Last Day for December Graduates to Sit for a Final Examination) (PDF)
  8. Nominees for Health Care Colleges Code of Professional Student Conduct Appeals Board (HCCCAB)
  9. Phased Retirement Survey for Members of Staff Senate and University Senate
  10. Tentative Senate Agenda for September 9, 2019 (PDF)
  11. Proposed Charge to Senate's Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (SAPPC) Regarding Faculty Experiences with Non-Degree Student Enrollment
  12. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)