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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (579.51 KB)
  1. Minutes from November 19, 2018 (PDF) and November 26, 2018 (PDF) and Announcements
  2. Old Business
    1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules ("Non-Degree Students") (PDF)
    2. Proposed New Senate Rules (“Undergraduate Colleges-Probation and Suspension Policies,” “Lewis Honors College”) (PDF) Proposed Changes to Lewis Honors College Rules PDF)
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) – Herman Farrell
      1. Proposed Change to Master of Health Administration (PDF)
  4. Degree Recipients
    1. In Memoriam Degree Recipient
      1. College of Social Work Student PJ-37
    2. Honorary Degree Recipient(s)
    3. Request for Waiver of Senate Rules (“Circumstances for Award of Honorary Degrees”) (PDF)
    4. Honorary Degree Recipient(s) [Pending Approval of SR Waiver]
    5. December 2018 Degree Recipients
  5. Request from Student Regarding Senate Rules (“Application for Degrees,” “Demonstration of Extraordinary Hardship”)
  6. Officer Elections
    1. Vice Chair
  7. Nominees for Ombud Search Committee
  8. Tentative Senate Agenda for December 10, 2018 (PDF)
  9. Tentative Senate Agenda for January 14, 2018 - Discussion Only (PDF)
  10. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)