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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (295.39 KB)
  1. Minutes from October 2, 2017 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    1. Ad Hoc Committee on Technology – Mark Lauersdorf, Chair
      1. Request for Renewal (per SR 1.4.5 (“Ad Hoc Committees”))
        • Committee Charge (PDF)
        • Update on Activities (PDF)
        • Recommendations to CIO Brian Nichols Regarding Administrative Regulations 10:2 ("University Information Technology Advisory Committees") (PDF)
    2. Update on SREC Activities Relating to Proposed Changes to Senate Rules Regarding Changes in Provost's Area
  3. Possible New Addition to Senate Agendas – “Senator Spotlight” – Senate Council Chair Katherine McCormick
  4. Introduction of UK’s New Registrar – Kim Taylor
  5. Naming of Senate Reinstatement Committee Members
  6. Nominees for Committees
    1. Senate's Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure (Nursing Faculty)
    2. UK Core Education Committee Area Experts
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) – Davy Jones and Joan Mazur, Co-Chairs
      1. Recommendations for Changes to Senate Forms Regarding Nomenclature of Degree Titles and Degree Majors (PDF)
      2. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 5.4.5.A ("Diplomas") (PDF)
      3. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“University Senate Council,” “Elected Faculty Membership,” “Election”)
        • Language in Track Changes [not yet available]
        • Language with Changes Accepted [not yet available]
      4. Information Only - Three Issues Related to Forms (PDF)
    2. Senate’s Admissions Advisory Committee – Kim Woodrum, Chair
      1. 2016-17 Annual Report (PDF)
  8. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  9. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)