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Meeting of the:
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PDF (112.86 KB)
  1. Minutes from August 28, 2017 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    1. Next Steps for SAPC’s Recommendations for Significant Changes (formerly “Program Changes Involving New Emphases (Tracks, Concentrations, and Specializations)”)(PDF)
    2. Next Steps for SAPC’s Recommendations for Recommendations for Professional Degree Definitions and Approval Processes (PDF)
  3. Requested Waiver of Senate Rules 3.2.3.B (“Procedures for Processing Academic Programs and Changes,” “Procedures to be Used,” “Approval by Academic Council”) for Certain Academic Programs - Assistant Provost for Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Annie Weber (PDF)
  4. Comments from Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) Regarding UK’s 2015-16 Academic Program Review - SAPC Chair Margaret Schroeder and Assistant Provost for Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Annie Weber (PDF)
  5. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules Regarding Changes in Provost's Area - Associate Provost for Academic Excellence Operations Kirsten Turner (PDF)
    • Letter of Support from Provost Tim Tracy (PDF)
    • Summary of Changes (PDF)
  6. Senate Committee Compositions, Round 2
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) – Joan Mazur and Davy Jones, Co-Chairs
      1. Possible Form to Accompany Student Requests for Excused Absences for Interviews (related to SR (PDF)
  8. Planning for Assessment Activities Regarding UK Core - Eric Sanday, UK Core Education Committee Chair (PDF)
  9. Nominees for Dean Searches (Engineering, Libraries)
  10. Proposed Change to Senate Rules 3.2.3 – New Language for “Minor Program Changes” - Senate Council Office (PDF)
  11. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)