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Meeting of the:
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PDF (310.97 KB)
  1. Minutes from April 10, 2017 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Digitized Workflow for Distribution of Effort (DOE) Forms (PDF) – Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement G. T. Lineberry and Project Manager Diane Gagel
  3. Degree Recipients
    1. December 2017 Honorary Degree Nominee(s)
    2. May 2017 Degree List
    3. Early August 2017 Degree List
  4. Proposed Changes to 2017-18 University Calendar (PDF)
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) – Ernie Bailey, Chair
      1. Proposed Name Change of Department of Forestry to Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (PDF)
    2. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Margaret Schroeder, Chair
      1. Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Sexuality Studies (PDF)
      2. Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Baroque Trumpet (PDF)
      3. Recommendations for Professional Degree Definitions and Approval Processes (PDF)
      4. Recommendations for Program Changes Involving New Emphases (Tracks, Concentrations, and Specializations) (PDF)
      5. Recommendations for University Scholars Programs Not Approved by Senate (PDF)
      6. Year-end Report (PDF)
    3. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SERC) - Joan Mazur and Davy Jones, Co-Chairs
      1. Update on Activities
  6. Proposed Changes to Administrative Regulations
    1. Background Information (PDF) and Partial Summary of Changes (PDF)
    2. Proposed Changes to Administrative Regulations 4:11 (“Community of Concern Team”) (PDF)
    3. Proposed Changes to Administrative Regulations 4:12 (“Student Involuntary Medical Withdrawal Policy and Procedures”) (PDF)
  7. Update on Faculty Evaluation of the President
  8. Tentative Senate Agenda for May 1, 2017 (PDF)
  9. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  10. SC Retreat Planning (PDF)
  11. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)