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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (290.57 KB)
  1. Minutes from April 3, 2017 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) – Ernie Bailey, Chair
      1. Honors College Transition Committee Report (December 9, 2016) (PDF)
    2. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) – Margaret Schroeder, Chair
      1. Proposed New BA in Dance (PDF)
    3. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) – Scott Yost, Chair
      1. Proposed Change to BS Human Health Sciences (PDF)
  3. Nominees for Residency Review Committee
  4. Tentative Senate Agenda for April 17, 2017 (PDF)
  5. Process for Faculty Survey on Evaluation of the President
  6. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)