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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (304.96 KB)
  1. Minutes from October 3, 2016 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Naming of Reinstatement Committee Members
  3. Proposed Change to 2016-17 College of Dentistry Calendar (PDF)
  4. Recommendation to Change End Date for Single Summer Term (PDF)
  5. Proposed New Ad Hoc Committee on Technology (PDF)
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Senate Committee on Distance Learning and eLearning (SCDLeL) – Roger Brown, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Permissive Withdrawals”) (PDF)
      2. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Excused Absences”) (PDF)
      3. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Unilateral Removal for Failure to Attend First Two Class Periods”) (PDF)
      4. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules 9.1 (“Glossary of Terms”) (PDF)
      5. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules (“Senate Committee on Distance Learning and eLearning (SCDLeL)”) (PDF)
      6. Proposed Changes to Administrative Regulations 7:6 (“Intellectual Property Disposition and Administrative Regulation”) (PDF)
    2. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) – Scott Yost, Chair
      1. Proposed Admissions Requirement Change for BHS in Clinical Leadership and Management (PDF)
  7. Title IX Briefing – Martha Alexander, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
  8. Possibility of Senate Council Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion
  9. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  10. *Petition to Modify Due Date for Midterm Grades (PDF)
  11. Items from the Floor (Time Permitting)

*This item is a late addition to the SC agenda. If SC votes on Monday to add it to the agenda, it will be discussed and/or acted upon during the October 17 SC meeting.