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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes from October 5, 2015 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Degree Recipients
    1. Motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted (May 2014 Degree List) for Arts and Sciences Student KF-92: Bestow BS Biology and BA French and Rescind BS Biology with Second Major in French (PDF)
    2. Late Addition to the May 2015 Degree List (as per Senate Rules for Arts and Sciences Student GC-69 (PDF)
  3. Proposed Changes to 2015-2016 Winter Calendar (Change Dates for Registration) (PDF)
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) - Ernie Bailey, Chair
      1. Proposed Name Change of Department of Journalism and Telecommunications to Department of Journalism and Media (PDF)
    2. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Margaret Schroeder, Chair
      1. New MS in Applied Statistics (PDF)
      2. New Graduate Certificate in Eurhythmics (PDF)
      3. Proposed Dual Degree: Master of Public Health and Masters of Health Administration (PDF)
      4. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Military Behavioral Health (PDF)
      5. Proposed Suspension of Admission into Graduate Certificate in Health Administration (PDF)
    3. Senate's Admissions and Academic Standards Committee (SAASC) - Scott Yost, Chair
      1. Proposed Change to PhD English (Remove World Language Requirement) (PDF)
  5. Senator Objection to Proposed New Course WRD 410 (PDF)
  6. Update on Foreign Language Requirement (presentation in PDF)
  7. Committee Nominees
    1. UK Core
    2. Health Care Clinical Sciences Area Advisory Committee
    3. University Appeals Board
    4. IT Coordinating Committee
    5. University Dining Advisory Committee
  8. Senate Meeting Roundtable
  9. Discussion on Senate's Role in Matters of Faculty Privilege
    • Snippet from Senate Rules on Senate's Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure (PDF)
    • Governing Regulations X.B.1.(f) ("Termination of Appointment") (PDF)