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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (113.69 KB)
  1. Minutes from August 24, 2015 (PDF)
  2. Degree Recipients
    1. Two Honorary Degree Nominees - Interim Graduate School Dean Susan Carvalho
    2. August 2015 Degree List (second of two)
    3. Late Addition to the Degree List (as per Senate Rules (Student AC-41)
  3. Request to Waive Senate Rules ("Common Examinations") for CHE 532-001 (PDF)
  4. Changing Times of December Commencements - Proposed Change to Senate Rules ("Final Examinations") (PDF)
    • Commencement and Related Statistics (PDF)
  5. Ombud Michael Healy
    1. Report for 2014-2015 (PDF)
    2. Academic Issues for University Senate Consideration (PDF)
  6. Tentative Senate Agenda (PDF)
  7. Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement Advisory Committee - 2015-16 Activities (PDF)
  8. Discussion on Senate's Role in Matters of Faculty Privilege (PDF)
  9. Proposed Ad Hoc Committee on Nominations (time permitting)