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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (43.52 KB)
  1. Minutes from June 10, 2015 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian for 2015-16
  3. Provisional Approval of Courses and Program Changes (PDF)
  4. Identification of Representatives for Various Committees/Councils
    1. Naming of SC-Appointed Representatives to Academic Councils (PDF)
      1. Undergraduate Council
      2. Graduate Council
      3. Health Care Colleges Council
    2. Nominees for Staff Senate's Ad Hoc Committee on an Ombud
    3. Senate's Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure
    4. Senate Hearing Panel (Privilege and Tenure)
    5. Extension Academic Area Advisory Committee
    6. University Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees
  5. Proposed Change to Senate Rules 1.2.3 ("Meetings") - Addition of Reference to Electronic Voting Records (PDF)
  6. Senate Curricular Initiatives (time permitting)
    • Website
    • Processing
    • Forms